Great books for all ages of young Minecraft fans!
“My son has been reading these books for over a year and loves them. He’s now 9. He gets so excited once a new one is published, especially one from the Noob Years series. I especially love that these helped get him to read more. He’s a bright young boy who learned to read young, but didn’t enjoy it for a long time. Now his younger sister, who is 6, is reading Skeleton Steve’s books. They seem to appeal to a wide audience of young readers. Now that my kids all have their own Fire tablets it’s so easy to send them out to everyone!”
– habblie, review on
Fantastic, deep stories for kids and adults alike!
“I started reading these Skeleton Steve books for my son, thinking that they were just kid books, and they ARE, but they’re very strong stories with great structure and characters, and they’re addictive to adults as well! Bravo! Skeleton Steve writes with such a sense of adventure and danger! I love the characters’ interactions and connections. This is really high quality stuff. Read it–you’ll be surprised, whether you’re a kid or an adult!!”
– An Amazon Customer
Welcome to the official author page of the unofficial Minecraft book author, Skeleton Steve!
Love Minecraft? Me too!
This website is full of my Minecraft fan-fiction books, written to be enjoyed by all ages, and sold mostly on Amazon (the link to my Amazon author page is above). New to Minecraft adventure books and diary-style stories? Check out my BOOKS page to read free previews (usually the first few days/chapters) and see if you like it! Some of my stories even have original artwork!
I also frequently give free stuff to my fans, in the form of free Minecraft books, guides, game secrets handbooks, and various cool stuff you’ll find useful and fun if you play the game.
Still with me?
So here’s what you’ll find on this website:
- Go to my Books page (click here) to see all of my books available and learn about the series. There’s also a ‘quick list’ of all of the current books at the bottom of each page!
- Learn more about me (Skeleton Steve) on my ‘About the Author‘ page (click here).
- You can read my Blog (click here). There, I mostly just announce new book releases, but occasionally, I make other posts, too. If you’d like to keep up with me on social media, you should definitely follow me on Facebook, Twitter, check out my artwork on DeviantArt, or watch my videos on Youtube! Check the ‘About the Author‘ page for those links.
- I’m always running a regular Gift Card Contest (click here), where fans can be a part of monthly drawings to receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards! Check it out!
- You can always contact me (click here) if you’re interested in discussing my books or the game, want to shoot me an idea for a story or a new character, or just want to chat! Another great way to tell me ideas is through reviews of my books.
- And finally, I’d recommend joining my Skeleton Steve Club! It’s free! That’ll put you on my newsletter, where you’ll get occasional emails regarding new releases, I’ll send you free Minecraft books, and cool game schwag, like custom game skins, maps, seeds, and more!

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